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Ma première tunique présentée aux Japan Couture Addicts! Tissu Junko Onishi, acheté à San francisco il y a presque 2 ans... Il a enfin pris vie et ça me plaît bien!

4 commentaires:

Cartonchiffon a dit…

Très jolie tunique, comme de tissu d'ailleurs

kristina - no penny for them a dit…

this is so lovely! do you perhaps know if this pattern also has english text or is it so easy that you can use it like that (i don't speak/read any japanese :( ...). also, do you know where one could buy the pattern?

in any case, all best from berlin!

(found you through natsumi's blog)

kristina - no penny for them a dit…

thank you so much for your comment on my blog and your tip - that website is just fabulous and i think i'm going to order some books there! :)

Lakshmi a dit…

Je re-parcours ton blog en entier... Et j'avais loupé des choses, comme cette robe magnifique! :)
J'adore le patron. C'est issu de quel livre?